Pre-Marital Inventory, Pre-Marital Counseling and Personal Counseling

Prevention is Better Than Cure!
In the face of half of all marriages end in divorce, CCLUC, a FOCCUS (Facilitating Open Couple Communication, Understanding & Study) trained facilitator, uses its research-based, affordable pre-marriage resource to help couples better prepare for marriage.

Marriage-Ready? or Wedding-Ready?
Most couples spend more than six months to plan their weddings and outside help can be used. But how much time do they spend on reflecting who they are themselves or whom they really want to spend the next 60 years with? Pre-Marriage Inventory helps open up discussions on key topics to a healthy, happy and permanent relationship in major areas:
Life Style Expectations, Friends and Interests, Personality Match, Personal Issues
Communication, Problem Solving
Religion and Values, Parenting, Extended Family, Sexuality, Finances, Marriage Readiness, Marriage Covenant
Key Problem Indicators, Family of Origin, Dual Career

Covenant Relationships
God is the creator of marriage. We love because He first loved us (I Jn 4:19). It'd be wise to invite Him into our marriage and empower us to live out our wedding vows by His grace and mercy.
Please register for pre-marital counseling as a couple preferably 4 to 6 months before the wedding, or for personal counseling as singles. Free-will donation will help support our ministry.